I was watching birds in the yard this morning (butterflies have been kinda scant lately) with plans to do yard work afterwards when I noticed a Julia Heliconian. I took some photos and then saw something on my crawdad trap bait station that was bigger than a South Texas Satyr but smaller than a Red Admiral. And I though I saw a flash of white spots. I had a pretty good idea it might be a Florida Purplewing. So I fired a couple of shots and I was right! The purplewing then flew into the Mexican olive tree. I watched for a few minutes and it didn't come back so I ran into the house for some more bait (a couple of oranges and melon rinds) and it came back in for a few shots. Most years a Florida Purplewing will show up at the National Butterfly Center but it's always a big deal. They are common as dirt in the Florida Keys. Florida Purplewing is butterfly species #149 for our Progreso Lakes yard.
Here's today's list of 40 species which is pretty amazing for February.
- Pipevine Swallowtail 1
- Giant Swallowtail 1
- Checkered White 4
- Giant White 1
- Orange Sulphur 1
- Cloudless Sulphur 2
- Large Orange Sulphur 1
- Lyside Sulphur 1
- Boisduval's Yellow 1
- Little Yellow 5
- Mimosa Yellow 1
- Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak 2
- Dusky-blue Groundstreak 2
- American Snout 5
- Gulf Fritillary 5
- Julia Heliconian 1
- Zebra Heliconian 1
- Texan Crescent 10
- Vesta Crescent 10
- Phaon Crescent 3
- Red Admiral 1
- Florida Purplewing 1
- Common Mestra 1
- Tawny Emperor 1
- Carolina Satyr 12
- Monarch 1
- Queen 2
- White-striped Longtail 1
- Brown Longtail 2
- White-patched Skipper 1
- Funereal Duskywing 1
- White Checkered-Skipper 3
- Tropical Checkered-Skipper 12
- Laviana White-Skipper 1
- Julia's Skipper 2
- Clouded Skipper 6
- Double-dotted Skipper 2
- Southern Broken-Dash 1
- Celia's Roadside-Skipper 1
- Eufala Skipper 3