After some really cold weather over Christmas, things seem to be coming back. Some of my exotic plants got hit by a couple of days in the low 30s but the native plants seem none the worse. Butterfly numbers got clobbered by the cold but after highs reached the mid 80s today, I was able to find 24 species. It took a while before this Boisduval's Yellow slowed down enough for a photo.
There were also a few Lyside, Cloudless and Large ornge Sulphurs.
Turk's-Cap White-Skipper was a nice surprise.
This Common Mellana had a bit of a purplish iridescence. I don't think I've ever noticed that before.
Nothing else really exciting. Here's the list.
Checkered White 4
- Cloudless Sulphur 3
- Large Orange Sulphur 1
- Lyside Sulphur 3
- Boisduval's Yellow 1
- Little Yellow 2
- Dusky-blue Groundstreak 5
- American Snout 2
- Gulf Fritillary 4
- Vesta Crescent 2
- Phaon Crescent 1
- Red Admiral 1
- Carolina Satyr 8
- Monarch 1
- Queen 1
- Brown Longtail 2
- Funereal Duskywing 1
- Tropical Checkered-Skipper 5
- Laviana White-Skipper 2
- Turk's-cap White-Skipper 1
- Clouded Skipper 4
- Fiery Skipper 1
- Common Mellana 1
- Eufala Skipper 2