White Checkered-Skipper has a white fringe with smaller black checks on the forewing. The row of white subterminal spots are small and the subapical white spot present in Tropical and Desert Checkered Skipper is absent or extremely small.
This White Checkered-Skipper has a small subapical spot.
Tropical Checkered-Skipper is very different with an almost back fringe on the forewing towards the apex with black and white checked fringe posteriorly. The apex has a very short white fringe. There is a row of small subterminal white spots including a subapical spot. Here is male and female.
This one shows the characteristic pale underwing with sub-costal spots.
The fringe is worn off from this Desert Checkered-Skipper but the row of larger white subterminal spots remain.
Certainly hybrids may cloud the issue.