Thursday, November 19, 2020

Potrillo Skipper at Progreso Lakes, 11/19/20

Lately they've had some really good butterflies at the National Butterfly Center near Mission and I was very temped to go over there today.  But if they can get good butterflies over there, shouldn't I be able to find some here?  We also have a Selasphorus Hummingbird I wanted to photograph so staying here seemed to be a good choice.  Well the hummer didn't cooperate and there wasn't much butterfly wise till I found this skipper.  My first impression was it was a well marked Brown Longtail lacking its tails.  But I was going to shoot it anyway and what a surprise when through the camera I discovered it was a Potrillo Skipper.  I saw her several more times during the day and she seemed to be trying to oviposit on Ruellia.  These have been hard to find in recent years.  This Potrillo Skipper was Progreso Lakes yard butterfly #127.

Red-crescent Scrub-Hairstreak continues to not be a surprise this year.

We don't get many Zebra Heliconians and this one ovipositing on on the Corky-stemmed Passionvine was especially welcome.

It was one year ago when visiting butterfly watchers found our first Boisduval's Yellows.  Now they are a regular resident in our yard.

I put out some butterfly bait and attracted Tawny Emperors and this Tropical Leafwing.

Red-bordered Pixies are back.

A few days ago the Malachite returned and I was able to get much better photos.

Warm dry weather is forcast for the foreseeable future so the good butterflies should just keep coming.