Sunday, April 16, 2017

National Butterfly Center, 4/16/17

Spent a couple of hours this afternoon at the National Butterfly Center while Honey was shopping.  The best I could find in the gardens up front was this Purple-washed Skipper showing its special spot.

Cyna Blues are still holding on.  They tend to disappear as the summer heats up.

Nothing else too noteworthy up front other than the Soldiers are back.

Down south in the old gardens not much was going on.  I found a nice Clytie Ministreak in the Conservatory.

Then I decided it was time to brave the mosquitoes and venture down into the "gully" to try one more time for Gilbert's Flasher.  they had not been reported in a while but you never know.  Well I didn't find one but this Pearly-gray Hairstreak was a nice surprise substitute.

Then I ran into Mike Rickard and it did not take him long to find me a nice butterfly.  A Clench's Green streak was nectaring in the orchid tree which I had checked minutes earlier.  It was nice to gt a shot of the brown frons.  The similar Tropical Greenstreak has a green forehead.

Not too bad for a couple of hours to kill.