Nearby was this Double-dotted Skipper.
And a Long-tailed Skipper.
And this worn Clytie Ministreak.
Just outside, feeding on the Turnera, was this Mexican Fritillary caterpillar.
A little later I made a run through the "gulley" hoping to find the Gilbert's Flasher which had been seen several times over the past couple of weeks. Behind the bird feeding station a large skipper landed next to me and perched under a leaf. It wasn't the Gilbert's Flasher but instead was a very worn Gold-spotted Aguna. Not what I was hoping for but I'll take it.
This tailless White-striped Longtail is trying to pass itself off as a Gold-spotted Aguna. It had me going for a minute but it's got too many spots..
It's a good spring for Cyna Blues.
A ratty Banded Peacock.
Quite a few of the tropical metalmarks, like this Red-bordered Pixie, prefer to hide under a leaf.
Another Double-dotted Skipper has more than it's fair share of dots. I wish it was something rare but I think not.
This Tropical Leafwing, ovipositing on a Cortez Croton, was my only one for the day.