Saturday, October 5, 2013

Weslaco, 10/5/13

I decided to check out Frontera Audubon Thicket this afternoon as Mike Rickard had found a Broad-banded Swallowtail there a couple of days ago.  Not too much going on this hot day before the cold front.  There was this nice Brazilian Skipper near the gate to the thicket.

Gray Crackers were everywhere several weeks ago.  The remaining few are becoming quite worn.  This is the first I've seen at Frontera in several years.

With little going on at Frontera, I made the run over to Estero Llano Grande State Park.  Estero seems to be the only place to see Potrillo Skipper.  I see them here all the time and have only seen one away from this park.  The Green Jay trail is a great place to look and I had two there but this one was behind the offices on the trail to the water feather.

Another sure thing on the Green Jay Trail is Mazan's Scallopwing.

I'm guessing this is a Julia's Skipper.  Color seems right and it doesn't have the big eyebrow of Eufala Skipper.  I don't know about Liris Skipper as I have never seen one.

And while of the subject of Weslaco butterflies, I found my first yard Giant White yesterday.