Sunday, October 13, 2013

National Butterfly Center, 10/11/13

The crucita is starting to bloom and the wind was blowing from the southeast and that means butterflies at the National Butterfly Center south of Mission.  Nothing rare but lots of butterflies.  See how many species you can find in these two pics.

Skippers love the crucita, Eupatorium odoratum.  Here's a Fiery Skipper.

And a Whirlabout.

And a couple of Common Mellanas.

This Brazilian Skipper has bound a tasty bird dropping.

Tawny Emperors belly up to the bar!

And this is what happens after closing time.

These Mexican Fritillaries have the same idea.

Turk's-cap White-Skipper is uncommon compared to their Laviana cousins.

Several different species of wasp moth have been seen in the RGV.  But only the Texas Wasp Moth wears boots!

I can't resist a good Mexican Bluewing.

A pretty good look at the "dogface" on a Southern Dogface.