Saturday, September 21, 2024

More Good Stuff at the NBC, 9-21-24

It's been nine days since the Glaucous Crackers were found at the National Butterfly Center and lep enthusiasts have been finding other good stuff in the mean time while searching for the crackers.  I ran over there today hoping for a male Glaucous Cracker.  I thought this one was a male when I first found it but now I'm not so sure.  The wing tips are pale like a male.

It's bee a few years since I've seen a Tailed Cecropian.  This one really showed nicely.

Third rare species to be seen today was this Pale-spotted Leafwing.

I've never seen so many Tropical Leafwings, at least forty of them.  Here are five with a Tawny Emperor.

This Nysa Roadside-Skipper is the 94th species to be seen at the National Butterfly Center this September.  There can be lots of butterflies in September but this diversity is unusual.

It nice to be getting a few Zebra Heliconias.  They were absent all summer.

Lots of Mexican Bluewings too.

Looks like the rains in Mexico have produced lots of good butterflies so more good stuff may be on the way.