Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Yard Butterfly #112 at Progreso Lakes, 1/8/19

I was doing a little birding and yard work today in our Progreso Lakes yard.  There was a little action on our flame vine while I was working in our cactus garden but nothing major.  I made a few sweeps of our brushy native patch and saw a Pixie and some Queens and a little pale blue that I passed off as a Cassius Blue.  After lunch I checked our garden again and saw the little blue and decided to photograph it.  What a surprise when I saw it was a Cyna Blue!  It was bigger than normal and I wonder if it's a female.  Hope it finds my little snake herb or some of our tube tongue.

Back at the flame vine there was a sweet Guava Skipper.  I see these a couple of times per week.

Much less common was this Dorantes Longtail.

It took a while before I could get a shot of this White-striped Longtail.  Finally it rested on the palm stump.

Still a few Red-bordered Pixies around.

We would make a big deal about Queens if they weren't so common.