Best butterfly goes to the two Giant whites.
I always like the crazy eyes on Red-bordered Metalmarks.
Looks like another Goatweed Leafwing to me.
A Western Giant Swallowtail oviposited on my Colima and then got harassed by amorous males.
Lots of common species helped run our yard total for the day to 45, a new high.
- Giant Swallowtail 3
- Giant White 2
- Cloudless Sulphur 8
- Large Orange Sulphur 2
- Tailed Orange 1
- Little Yellow 3
- Mimosa Yellow 2
- Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak 2
- Cassius Blue 3
- Ceraunus Blue 4
- Rounded Metalmark 2
- Red-bordered Metalmark 4
- Red-bordered Pixie 1
- Gulf Fritillary 1
- Bordered Patch 3
- Vesta Crescent 2
- Phaon Crescent 3
- Pearl Crescent 3
- Painted Lady 2
- White Peacock 7
- Goatweed Leafwing 1
- Carolina Satyr 1
- Monarch 1
- Queen 25
- Soldier 2
- Brown Longtail 5
- Mimosa Skipper 1
- Sickle-winged Skipper 6
- White-patched Skipper 2
- Mournful Duskywing 3
- White Checkered-Skipper 4
- Tropical Checkered-Skipper 6
- Laviana White-Skipper 6
- Turk's-cap White-Skipper 2
- Julia's Skipper 1
- Fawn-spotted Skipper 3
- Clouded Skipper 15
- Southern Skipperling 6
- Fiery Skipper 8
- Whirlabout 2
- Southern Broken-Dash 3
- Common Mellana 1
- Celia's Roadside-Skipper 3
- Eufala Skipper 5
- Olive-clouded Skipper 1