I managed to run into Mike and Ginny near the tree tower and Ginny promptly proceeded to find a Ruddy Daggerwing in a soapberry. Another first for the year for all of us.
Near the junction of the tour road and the first Pintail Lakes trail I found two fresh Two-barred Flasers, which seem to be everywhere this year.
Here's another Banded Peacock. This one is even worse off that the one at the National Butterfly center.
Several Common Mellanas were nice for a change.
Blooming thistles were appreciated by a White-striped Longtail.
Seven Zebra Heliconias were a high count for the year.
Here's my list of 46 species for the morning.
- Black Swallowtail 4
- Giant Swallowtail 15
- Checkered White 3
- Great Southern White 20
- Cloudless Sulphur 3
- Large Orange Sulphur 5
- Lyside Sulphur 10
- Little Yellow 2
- Mimosa Yellow 2
- Dainty Sulphur 1
- Gray Hairstreak 12
- Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak 8
- Dusky-blue Groundstreak 20
- Reakirt's Blue 3
- Red-bordered Metalmark 6
- American Snout 100
- Gulf Fritillary 4
- Zebra Heliconian 7
- Crimson Patch 2
- Texan Crescent 8
- Phaon Crescent 10
- Pearl Crescent 25
- Red Admiral 4
- White Peacock 1
- Banded Peacock 1
- Common Mestra 1
- Ruddy Daggerwing 1
- Tawny Emperor 3
- Carolina Satyr 4
- Queen 3
- White-striped Longtail 2
- Brown Longtail 2
- Two-barred Flasher 2
- Mimosa Skipper 3
- Sickle-winged Skipper 25
- Brown-banded Skipper 1
- White Checkered-Skipper 8
- Tropical Checkered-Skipper20
- Laviana White-Skipper 100
- Fawn-spotted Skipper 15
- Clouded Skipper 40
- Whirlabout 2
- Common Mellana 3
- Celia's Roadside-Skipper 20
- Eufala Skipper 5
- Violet-banded Skipper 1