I made my way to the old butterfly garden and after a while found a good sized rusty brown grass skipper on the flame vine. I immediately noticed the large white spots on the wings and had a feeling this was my bug. Soon it posed and I could see the double dots on the hind wing.
Then a second appeared and the way they acted we may have more Double-dotted Skippers in the future.
Here's the Walker's Metalmark.
Otherwise it was lots of Clouded and Fawn-spotted Skippers and Mazan's Scallopwings. I could not find any Boisduval's Yellows.
I then ran over to Palo Alto National Battlefield to get my Definite Patch for the year. I found a half dozen without too much trouble. They were right in front of the building, some on the grass and others along the edge of the parking lot. Their patterns seem highly variable much like Theona Checkerspot.