I saw a big grass skipper with some large white spots on the wings. I figured it was a Double-dotted Skipper. I was right.
An even bigger grass skipper with even more white spots was buzzing around the purple Duranta and our male papaya. Gotta be a Brazilian Skipper.
I think this big beautiful Monarch hatched from our garden. I saw a big caterpillar the other day.
We don't get Mazan's Scallopwing very often.
A Southern Skipperling seemed a little larger than usual.
This Celia's Roadside-Skipper was our first for the year.
The morning was humid and warm but then a little front blew through and brought a couple of American Ladies.
Thirty three species is the most we've had in a while.
- Black Swallowtail 1
- Florida White 1
- Checkered White 1
- Southern Dogface 3
- Cloudless Sulphur 3
- Orange-barred Sulphur 1
- Little Yellow 3
- Sleepy Orange 1
- Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak 1
- Dusky-blue Groundstreak 4
- American Snout 2
- Phaon Crescent 1
- American Lady 2
- Red Admiral 1
- White Peacock 1
- Carolina Satyr 4
- Monarch 3
- White-striped Longtail 1
- Brown Longtail 5
- Mazans Scallopwing 1
- Funereal Duskywing 4
- White Checkered-Skipper 5
- Tropical Checkered-Skipper20
- Common Sootywing 1
- Fawn-spotted Skipper 1
- Double-dotted Skipper 1
- Southern Skipperling 3
- Fiery Skipper 3
- Whirlabout 2
- Sachem 1
- Common Mellana 1
- Celia's Roadside-Skipper 1
- Eufala Skipper 2