Saturday, September 14, 2013

National Butterfly Center, 9/13/13

A low pressure system in the Gulf was sending northeast winds and clouds to the National Butterfly Center resulting in a bit less activity than my last visit, but there was still stuff to see.  It had been months since my last Lantana Scrub-Hairstreak.  This one was in the garden behind the visitors center.

In the same garden was an Urbanus that proved to be the expected Long-tailed Skipper.

Caterpillars have been hard to find in the RGV during our prolonged drought.  Here's a Tropical Leafwing larva feeding on Croton.

I wrestled with this white skipper trying to turn it into a non-Laviana/Turk's Cap but I lost.  It's just a Laviana White-Skipper.

The Brush Holley is in bloom again and I checked it out for daggerwings.  Sure enough there was a worn Ruddy Daggerwing hiding inside.

Last time I posted a photo of a very colorful White Peacock.  Here is the dorsal view of the same individual.

A Mexican Fritillary was trying to mate with this Variegated Fritillary.