Friday, June 27, 2014

National Butterfly Center, 6/27/14

Wednesday's rain really greened things up at the National Butterfly Center. Five hours of wandering around turned up 44 species. One of the first was this cooperative Two-barred Flasher.

This Guava Skipper was nectaring on crotons just a short distance from the guava bushes.

I kept scrutinizing the checkered-skippers and finally found my first Desert Checkered-Skipper for the NBC.

Texas Powdered Skippers continued to show. I saw two of them today.

Caught one of the Crimson Patches ovipositing. Gee, it layed a big pile eggs!

It's a good thing because replacements are needed. This one just barely had a pulse.

Here's a pretty Little Yellow.

I haven't seen many Common Mestras lately. Here's a nice one.

Giant Swallowtail 1
Large Orange Sulphur 1
Lyside Sulphur 30
Little Yellow 6
Dainty Sulphur 1
Gray Hairstreak 5
Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak 8
Dusky-blue Groundstreak 4
Western Pygmy-Blue 1
Cassius Blue 1
Ceraunus Blue 1
Reakirt's Blue 3
American Snout 2
Gulf Fritillary 3
Zebra Heliconian 2
Variegated Fritillary 1
Bordered Patch 8
Crimson Patch 5
Texan Crescent 4
Vesta Crescent 1
Phaon Crescent 6
Pearl Crescent 2
Question Mark 1
Common Mestra 1
Tropical Leafwing 1
Empress Leilia 50
Carolina Satyr 1
Queen 40
Guava Skipper 1
Brown Longtail 4
Two-barred Flasher 1
Texas Powdered-Skipper 2
White Checkered-Skipper 20
Tropical Checkered-Skipper 6
Desert Checkered-Skipper 1
Laviana White-Skipper 8
Turk's-cap White-Skipper 2
Common Sootywing 2
Clouded Skipper 25
Fiery Skipper 1
Whirlabout 1
Southern Broken-Dash 1
Celia's Roadside-Skipper 1
Eufala Skipper 1