Saturday, March 30, 2013

Mystery Butterfly at SPI, 3/24/13

I was birding on South Padre Island last Sunday when I came across this butterfly behind the convention center.  Though it never opened its wings, I was pretty sure I knew what species it was.  I had seen a couple of them here last year.  A few days later, after downloading the photos, I thought I would check my ID in the field guide before I filed it away.  Woops.  I couldn't find it.  I checked the Mexican species.  I checked northern species.  After a while I figured out my mistake and my original ID was correct.  So what's going on?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Black Crescent at Frontera, 3/15/13

Just got back from a great trip to the Canal Zone in Panama when a I received word that the amazing Mike Rickard had found a Black Crescent Phyciodes ptolyca at Frontera Audubon Thicket in Weslaco a few days ago.  Well after doing some chores, I ran over there and sure enough the little beauty was still hanging around.  It's been about forty years since the last Valley record.  Thanks Mike!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Falcate Orangetip at Estero, 3/1/13

Today I was looking for odes with friends Tony and Sheila from New Mexico.  We found Caribbean Yellowface and Straw-colored Sylph and were feeling pretty good about ourselves when I received a call from Mary Gustafson that a Falcate Orangetip had just been found at Estero Llano Grande State Park in Weslaco.  Well we raced over the nearly 40 miles and entered the park only to see the butterfly walk getting started.  Tony walks over to the group and immediately finds the Falcate Orangetip.  It was a new bug for all of us.  This early spring butterfly is quite rare in the RGV.